Thursday, October 3, 2013


RIC_0455-1 by rchoephoto
RIC_0455-1, a photo by rchoephoto on Flickr.

     When we humans dare to approach the deepest and most holy
     experiences of our lives, all language becomes metaphor. 

        Pat Schneider, How the Light Gets In

1 comment:

  1. Dear Richard, this seems beautifully and profoundly obvious to me. Yet I find a lot of what I read, in the online UCC Observer, appears to use language as descriptive of "truth" rather than as a metaphors pointing to a deeply experienced, inexpressible truth. To my untrained non-Canadian eyes it seems similar to attempting to describe 'beauty' when, in our hearts, we know we can only point to it and hope others share what we see.
    Am I missing something there?
