RIC_9599-1, a photo by rchoephoto on Flickr.
Collaboration is a process, a process of learning, and
it's as much as a learning about oneself as about
others. Moreover, we can learn about others only
through ourselves. In fact we can have a sense of
the other only through a greater understanding of
who we are.
Barry Svigals, in an interviewby Jeff Zaleski, Parabola (Summer 2012)
Collaboration is a process, a process of learning, and
it's as much as a learning about oneself as about
others. Moreover, we can learn about others only
through ourselves. In fact we can have a sense of
the other only through a greater understanding of
who we are.
Barry Svigals, in an interviewby Jeff Zaleski, Parabola (Summer 2012)